Write and Call Gov. Cuomo - Don't stop doing this!
Call toll free, email, or write Gov. Cuomo
Also: Write and Call VP Joe Biden
Email here:
Phone: 202-456-1414 (ask to leave a message for both VP Biden AND Pres. Obama)
Fax:202 456 3455
URGENT: SIGN Walter Hang's Coalition Letter
Why Commenting on the SGEIS is Important:
If High Volume Hydrofracking wells are permitted, the proposed SGEIS will set the permitting conditions, perhaps in addition to real regulations.You might have heard, "NY State has the best regulations of the Oil and Gas Industry!". However, there are almost no regulations at all. These were promised after the 1992 GEIS, but mostly never were added. Presently, the actual DEC regulations of the Oil and Gas Industry are meager. See for yourself: http://www.dec.ny.gov/energy/1630.html
If a town does not have local land use controls (zoning, road preservation, or prohibition consistent with the town's Comprehensive Plan) which address shale gas industrialization, then the proposed SGEIS may be the sole controlling document.
Since the current draft is substantially better than the original draft, it is clear that the DEC listens to and responds to well-reasoned input. So we would encourage you to use this guide and send in a written response to the DEC. Since the EPA was precluded from regulating gas drilling by the "Halliburton loophole" in 2005, the SGEIS may be all that most New Yorkers are left with to protect them from the hazards of shale gas explorations.
How to write the DEC
It is recommended that each letter contain only one main point, to better enable the DEC to file and categorize the letters. If you choose to discuss more than one concern, please write multiple letters. I encourage you to write as many letters as humanly possible before Jan 11, 2012. I have found the information in the links below absolutely critical to know about for writing comments.
Audio Tutorial on how to respond
Information to use when writing DEC
Facts to Know about Hydrofracking & SGEIS
Other info to help writing
Click on any of the links below for written materials that can help you write your own comments on these listed topics. All could be turned into individual DEC Comments for the #25 category:
25. Additional Changes You Think Should Be Reflected in the Final SGEIS
Thank you for writing to the DEC. Steven & Gloria Foster