James Northrup is a retired oil drilling investor from Texas and live part time in NY state. He speaks from personal experience about hydrofrcking with all it's problems. He is, it seems to me, a courageous insider who has come forward with a compelling and terrifying honesty.
New Article about "Chip"
Meet Chip Northrup—An Articulate and Energetic Opponent of Fracking
Why Is This Texan Against Fracking New York:
12 Min Video Here is Northrup's excellent Testimony at the Oct. 6, 2011 Assembly Public Hearings, Albany
Another 12 min video
Another 12 min video
A 27 min. video talk that outlines the entire Hydrofracking process from his informed position.
Also see Jame's Northrup's essay:
“The DEC has always deferred to local land use ordinances when issuing permits. Such a
deference to local ordinances reflects shale gas regulations in almost all states – including
the home states of all the major shale gas companies. “Home Rule” is the norm when it
comes to drilling permits. And Home Rule should apply to shale gas industrialization in New York, where groundwater is uniquely vulnerable to being polluted by shale gas
drilling.” James Northrup, http://www.scribd.com/doc/63141534/NY-Gas-Well-Zoning
See this related story (not about Northrup)
(Note:There are important links (underlined) in this story worth clicking on. SF)